Nostromo Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Nostromo? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Where does Hirsch hide to try to escape from Sulaco?

On the lighter that Nostromo and Martin take out with the silver
In the Custom House
With the Goulds
A brothel
Q. How does Sotillo avoid having to talk to Montero?

By hiding in the closet
Feigning illness
Leaving town
Dressing in drag to avoid being identified
Q. What does Martin pretend to be looking for when he returns to Casa Gould to talk to Emilia about politics?

A scarf
A hat
A glove
A drink
Q. With whom does Nostromo strike up a secret affair toward the end of the novel?

Giselle Viola
Linda Viola
Emilia Gould
Kim Kardashian
Q. Where does Nostromo hide out before heading to Cayta to fetch Barrios?

Casa Gould
Casa Avellanos
A railway car
The Violas' hotel