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Nothing Appearances Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

We had just started seventh grade, and we were all so modern and well-versed in life and being in the world that we knew that everything was more about how it appeared than how it was. (3.14)

It's kind of funny that Agnes thinks she and her classmates are so worldly, considering that later they're all impressed about going to Atlanta. Not that there's anything wrong with Atlanta. But Paris it ain't.

Quote #2

The most important thing, in any circumstance, was to amount to something that really looked like it was something. (3.14)

And this, friends, is the central rule of Facebook. Our online persona is often the biggest mask of all.

Quote #3

"Then how come everyone's making like everything that isn't important is very important, all the while they're so busy pretending what's really important isn't important at all?" (4.20)

Yeah, good question, Pierre Anthon. If he asked you, how would you answer?