Nun Sightings

Nun Sightings

  • High Nun

    Before creation, according to the ancient Egyptians, Nun existed as the highest and most important god. It (or he or she or they—all of these are correct) was always there, and included everything and nothing at the same time. Many different creation stories tell about how the Nun became either divided into other lesser gods and parts, or how it gave birth to these other gods and all of the creations. But nobody got here before Nun!

  • One of Eight 2686BC - 100

    Nun shows up as part of the Ogdoad, ancient Egypt's creator gods who all died when creation began. In the Ogdoad, Nun isn't just one god, but splits into two: a male god called Nun and a female goddess called Naunet. As part of the Ogdoad, Nun and Naunet's powers are the same: the creative power of the first water.

  • The 12th Hour Boat Elevator 1569BC - 100

    In the mysterious papyrus Egyptologists call the Book of Gates, Nun shows up at the end, during the twelfth (final) hour of night, to grab Ra's boat from the swirling chaos of darkness and lift it up into the sky to create the dawn. Once Nut (the sky goddess) grabs the boat, Nun can go back to whatever he was doing for the other twenty-three hours of the day.

  • Now with 100% More Chaos 332BC - 30BC

    When Nun appears to the Greek-speaking Ptolemies, they don't think of him as a good guy. He's more of a bad guy, a formless chaos like their Titans, who can't be trusted. It's a shame they never got to know him well.