Find quotes from this novel, with commentary from Shmoop. Pick a theme below to begin.
Warfare Quotes
The short, bewildering war had followed, the war of which no history had been written or ever would be written now. (1.24)
Duty Quotes
It meant work, anyway. The thought of it had made him happy when he went to sleep, and his happiness had lasted through the night. (1.3)
The Home Quotes
He had been submerged by that time for eight days; his crew were still fairly fit, though various neuroses were beginning to appear, born of anxiety about conditions in their homes. (1.51)
Family Quotes
"Will the ship be at sea for much of that time, sir? [...] Things aren't too easy now, compared with what they used to be, and it's a bit difficult at home." (1.57)
Mortality Quotes
It should be all right for him to go. [...] But if the electrical supply failed, or the radioactivity spread south more quickly than the wise men estimated… (1.63)
Love Quotes
Commander Towers felt a little dazed, but refreshed. It was a long time since he had had to deal with this sort of a young woman. (1.164)
Dreams, Hopes, and Plans Quotes
"It's not that I'm afraid of dying, Dwight. We've all got to do that some time. It's all the things I'm going to have to miss…" (1.304)
Dissatisfaction Quotes
This was no place for her. Into the world of romance, of make-belief and double brandies! Snap out of it, and get back to the world where she belonged! (2.213)