On the Waterfront Quiz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around On the Waterfront? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What does Terry say to Charley about his boxing career?

"I just didn't have what it took."
"I coulda been a contender."
"After every fight, I got all the free Sprite I wanted."
"It was Johnny! It was all Johnny's fault I never made it to the big time."
Q. What does Father Barry say is wrong with the way business and life are conducted on the waterfront?

"There's too many kids out there with their loud music!"
"No one goes to church anymore."
"It's all about trying to get job promotions instead of concentrating on real customer service."
"It's making the love of the lousy buck, the cushy job, more important than the love of man! It's forgettin' that every fellow down here is your brother in Christ!"
Q. What does Edie say to Father Barry that makes him more involved in dealing with the problems with the longshoremen's union?

"I bet you couldn't even lift a crate if you were a longshoreman!"
"These gangsters murdered my brother, and we could really use your help if you have the time."
"What kind of saint hides in a church?"
"If you're not going to do anything, why don't you just quit being a priest and get a job at the Wimp Store?"
Q. What does Johnny say when the workers all finally reject him?

"I know I haven't been perfect. I know I've made mistakes. I just don't know what to do… I just don't know where to go."
"Yo, if you guys rejoin me right now—I'm taking you all to Olive Garden! Or Golden Corral—you guys pick."
"Where you guys going? Wait a minute! I'll remember this! I'll remember every one of you! I'll be back! Don't you forget that! I'll be back!"
"I guess I'll just go home."
Q. When Terry says he thinks that spying on Father Barry's meeting at the church would be "stooling," what does Charley say?

"Hmmm… Man, I've never really though of it that way. Maybe you're onto something."
"Stooling is when you rat on your friends, on the guys you're with."
"It's only being a stoolie if you get caught."
"What is that? Does that involve a stool?"