One Came Home Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around One Came Home? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What is Georgie's internal journey all about?

Learning to accept death
Learning to accept herself
Learning to love cougars
Learning to tell the truth
Q. Georgie copes with all the traumatic events that occur by keeping close track of:

the passage of time.
the number of shots fired.
the amount of money saved.
the number of cougars encountered.
Q. Georgie's dream is to:

homestead in Minnesota.
go to college.
run the store with Agatha.
become a famous pigeoner.
Q. Which ability is Georgie most proud of?

Horseback riding
Cougar tracking
Accurate shooting
Pigeon pie baking
Q. Georgie's need to find out exactly what happened to her sister is driven by:
