One Crazy Summer Abandonment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Each and every one of us knew the feeling of having no mother clapping for us in the audience. (22.31)

It wasn't just sad for Delphine, Vonetta, and Fern when their mom left—they feel hurt all over again each time they should have a mom to turn to, but don't. It's a major bummer.

Quote #8

Don't cry. Stay Quiet. Want nothing (23.3).

Thinking back to when Cecile was around, Delphine realizes that the abandonment started long before Cecile actually left. Her mom never really wanted her to make a fuss or do anything annoying. It dawns on Delphine that she never had a mom who took care of her or let her be a kid. Ugh.

Quote #9

Maybe I was too young to really take hold of it all, but for what seemed like the first time ever all I could think about was my own self. What I lost. What I missed. […] Even after telling me all of this, I was still mad. Maybe I'd been mad all along but didn't have time to just be it. Mad. (32.35)

When Cecile tries to explain why she left, Delphine just gets angry. She's usually level headed and calm, but she can't let this slide. After all, she doesn't want to give her mom a pass for hurting her all those years by skipping town. Delphine thinks it might be one of those things that makes more sense when she's older and wiser, but we're not so sure it will.