Sarge Timeline & Summary


Sarge Timeline & Summary

  • Sarge enters the narrative with a bloody nose from his first experience with Commander Ga. He tells the interrogation crew that the subject is not the real Commander Ga.
  • Sarge doesn't agree with the Interrogator's touchy-feely ways and his "biographies," but he lets him have a turn with Ga.
  • Sarge is completely shaken by Ga's revelation that Kim Duc Dan, his old colleague, was in Prison 33. He can't get Ga to recant, even after torture.
  • Despite his initial resistance to the idea of a female interrogator, Sarge warms up to Q-Kee and her psychotic ways. He takes her under his wing.
  • Sarge helps the Interrogator by identifying the geographical location sketched on Ga's map.
  • Sarge tells the Interrogator it's time to give up his methods and join the Pubyok. He also says the top brass already knows what happened to Sun Moon.
  • Q-Kee denounces Jujack to Sarge, and he immediately takes the boy into custody.
  • After she tortures and kills Jujack, Sarge praises Q-Kee and instructs her to break her hand on the doorjamb. He welcomes her to the Pubyok and straightens her broken hand bones.
  • Sarge shows the Interrogator an oversized cattle brand and tells him that Ga will be branded in the soccer stadium.
  • After Ga's tattoo is cut off, Sarge taunts him more by blowing into the wound.
  • Sarge tells the Interrogator that his there won't be any more biographies. It's all Pubyok, all the time from now on.