Other Voices, Other Rooms Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The old trigger-quick feeling of guilt came over him: a liar, that's what the two of them, Amy and Randolph, were thinking, just a natural-born liar, and believing this he began to elaborate his description embarrassingly: she had the eyes of a fiend, the lady did, wild witch-eyes, cold and green as the bottom of the North Pole sea; twin to the Snow Queen, her face was pale, wintry, carved from ice, and her white hair towered on her head like a wedding cake. (1.4.45)

Mistrust seems to breed lies. Joel is telling the truth about the lady in the window, but when he senses that Amy and Randolph don't believe him, he becomes a liar in their eyes and his own. And so he starts lying: embellishing the true story with details from fairy tales.

Quote #8

While talking, Joel had noticed with discomfort her cousin's amused, entertained expression: earlier, when he'd given his first flat account, Randolph had heard him out in the colorless way one listens to a stale joke, for he seemed, in some curious manner, to have advance knowledge of the facts. (1.4.47)

Joel is not exactly lying, more like embellishing, and he notices the effect the changes in his story have on Randolph. His description of the lady the first time hadn't really surprised Randolph (he seemed to have advance knowledge), so the second time, with its fairy-tale extras, the story is amusing to him. Measuring the reactions is a hint for us that Randolph is the lady in the window.

Quote #9

He couldn't believe in the way things were turning out: the difference between this happening, and what he'd expected was too great. It was like paying your fare to see a wild-west show, and walking in on a silly romance picture instead. If that happened, he would feel cheated. And he felt cheated now. (1.4.79)

This simile between the angry moviegoer and Joel is almost silly. He feels like someone who walked into the wrong movie, which is, at the end of the day, a fairly minor problem. But it's his life that is the wrong movie: he was invited to live with his father, and his father is nowhere to be seen.