Other Voices, Other Rooms The Supernatural Quotes

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Quote #10

Meanwhile Zoo tried unsuccessfully to conceal a necklace-like ornament the hermit had knotted about her giraffish neck. She looked very put out when Joel asked: "What's that you got on, Zoo?"

"Hit's a charm," volunteered the hermit proudly.

"Hush up," snapped Zoo. "Done just told me it don't work iffen I goes round tellin everbody." (1.5.11-13)

Zoo's neck is a sore spot, literally. It's scarred by the time that her husband, Keg, tried to strangle her. So it seems fitting that a charm for protection would go around her neck. Of course, it's kind of like a wish—if you tell it doesn't come true. And given Zoo's fate when she leaves the Landing, it would seem that Little Sunshine just jinxed her.