Our Mutual Friend Marriage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Then you married me on false pretenses." (3.7.67)

Alfred and Sophronia Lammle are pretty angry to find out that they've been lying to each other throughout their engagement. Each one of them thought the other had plenty of money, but now it looks like neither of them does.

Quote #5

"So the happy pair, with this hopeful marriage contract thus signed, sealed, and delivered, repair homeward." (3.7.119)

Well, there's nothing left to do now but for Alfred and Sophronia to go home and live with the mess they've made. That's what they get for marrying each other purely for money's sake. Now they're both poor and they have no clue where their money is going to come from.

Quote #6

"Why the last news is, that I don't mean to marry your brother." (6.2.4)

Jenny Wren likes to fantasize about the day she gets married. She likes to picture herself as a tyrant wife, bossing her future husband around and making him worship her. The problem is that Jenny's a bit deluded about how many men find her attractive.