Our Town Marriage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Act.Line). Every time a character talks counts as one line, even if what they say turns into a long monologue.

Quote #7

Good morning, everybody. Only five more hours to live. Makes the gesture of cutting his throat, and a loud "k-k-k," and starts through the trellis. (II.98-9)

George compares his wedding to an execution.

Quote #8

I wish a fellow could get married without all that marching up and down. (II.140)

George would prefer to have a much simpler wedding.

Quote #9

Every man that’s ever lived has felt that way about it, George; but it hasn’t been any use. It’s the womenfolk who’ve built up weddings, my boy. For a while now the women have it all their own. A man looks pretty small at a wedding, George. All those good women standing shoulder to shoulder making sure that the knot’s tied in a mighty public way. (II.141)

Mr. Webb describes weddings as women’s business and something men will always dread.