The Pardoner Timeline and Summary


The Pardoner Timeline and Summary

  • The Pardoner begins his "Tale" by describing his tricks of the trade to the other pilgrims, explaining how he makes money off of fake relics and expensive pardons through good showmanship, emotional manipulation, and deceit.
  • He explains that he always takes "greed is the root of all evil" as his theme, the better to loosen the purse strings of his audience.
  • The Pardoner makes clear to the pilgrims that he preaches not out of a concern for saving souls, but just to make lots of money.
  • He tells the pilgrims that he'll tell them a story, a "moral tale," about how greed is the root of all evil, which he uses when he's on his sales trips.
  • The Pardoner tells his tale, an exemplum about three party boys who set out to kill death and end up finding it in the form of eight bushels of gold.
  • After his Tale is finished, the Pardoner invites the pilgrims to come forward to make offerings to his relics, or purchase his pardons, suggesting that the Host go first because he's especially sinful.
  • When the Host gets angry and insults the Pardoner, he becomes speechless with rage.
  • At the Knight's request, the Pardoner kisses the host in reconciliation.