Parrot in the Oven: Mi Vida Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

I helped him with his route on Saturdays, when the weather was either snips or cold snagging fishhooks through your clothes, or just plain icy, with steam flowing from every breath. Nardo would keep the engine running while I bolted for the cash, or Medi-Cal card, whichever arrangement those old retired geezers had with the pharmacy. Afterward, we'd go to lunch in Chinatown and order hot plates of chow mein noodles and sweet-and-sour pork. (9.1)

Nardo and Manny haven't had the worst relationship ever throughout this book, but they haven't been super close either, and often, Nardo just isn't around. But check out how well these two work as a team. This seems like a huge improvement from their chili-picking or garden-cleaning days when Nardo was normally complaining most of the time. Now, they're a dynamic duo who work hard and play hard together. Yay.