Passion Resources


For the Hidden Chair Caner in All of Us

Just in case "Passion" piqued your interest, here is a site dedicated to chair caning. You'll see all sorts of free chair caning advice, step-by-step instructions on how to cane, an encouraging quotation from Saint Francis of Assisi, and a short video that features hole-to-hole chair caning. Exciting! 

Ottawa Valley Tourism Board

While reading "Passion" did you find yourself thinking about how much you'd like to visit the Ottawa Valley? We know we certainly did. If you did too, then you might enjoy this website for the "Whitewater Capital of Canada." Or you can just look at the pretty pictures and get some extra context for the story's setting.

Alice Munro…The Website

Do you really like Alice Munro? The people who put together this website do too.

Movie or TV Productions

Hateship Loveship

This 2013 movie, starring Kristen Wiig and Guy Pearce, is an adaptation of Alice Munro's short story, "Hateship, Friendship, Courtship, Loveship, Marriage."

Away From Her

Sarah Polley adapted Munro's story "The Bear Came Over the Mountain" for this 2006 movie, which at no point involves a bear coming over a mountain.

Articles and Interviews

The New Yorker Interview

Munro talks about her latest story collection, which deals with a lot of the same issues as "Passion," like, you know, life.

Paris Review Interview

The Paris Review is kind of a big deal, and this interview with Munro is really good.


Conversation with Diana Athill

Want to see a brief conversation in which a Nobel Prize-winning author talks about why she wanted to write, what inspires her, and whether or not people change or gain wisdom as they get older? If the answer is "yes," then this might be a good video to watch. 

1979 CBC Interview

Banning books is no fun. Why do certain books get banned? Who decides what's acceptable or unacceptable? In this interview a young Alice Munro gives some thought-provoking answers to these questions. Check out that beige. 

Nobel Prize Interview

Due to health reasons, Alice Munro couldn't fly to Sweden to accept her award. But she was nice enough to sit down and give this remote video interview instead.


Lauren Groff reads "Axis"

The New Yorker has this really cool podcast in which an author reads and talks about a favorite story by another author. Here's Lauren Groff reading Alice Munro's "Axis."

A Short Reading

Nancy Beatty reads an excerpt from a story included in Munro's Nobel Prize-winning collection, Dear Life.


Alice Munro

Sporting her signature (and awesome) headband.

Ottawa Valley

The prettiness cannot be denied.

Ottawa Valley Map

In case you'd like to look for some familiar names.