Paul's Case: A Study in Temperament Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #1

The end had to come sometime; his father in his night-clothes at the top of the stairs, explanations that did not explain, hastily improvised fictions that were forever tripping him up. (1.18)

Huh. It doesn't seem like Paul did anything especially terrible except get his feet wet staring at an opera singer, so why does he feel like he has to lie about it?

Quote #2

He registered from Washington; said his mother and father had been abroad, and that he had come down to await the arrival of their steamer. He told his story plausibly and had no trouble, since he volunteered to pay for them in advance, in engaging his rooms; a sleeping-room, sitting-room and bath. (2.40)

Lies, lies, lies. Maybe Paul should have been a novelist—he's certainly good enough at making up stories.

Quote #3

There had always been the shadowed corner, the dark place into which he dared not look, but from which something seemed always to be watching him—and Paul had done things that were not pretty to watch, he knew. (2.42)

Here's another one of those brain-busting passages. What is Paul so afraid of? Who is watching him? What has he done that's so terrible? It definitely seems like there's more to his secret than art appreciation, though.