Paul's Case: A Study in Temperament Power Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The Cumberland minister had been interviewed, and expressed his hope of yet reclaiming the motherless lad, and his Sabbath-school teacher declared that she would spare no effort to that end. The rumour had reached Pittsburgh that the boy had been seen in a New York hotel, and his father had gone East to find him and bring him home. (2.56)

At this point, you have to think that Paul would rather be sent off to prison or a work camp or something other than back to the clutches of the very people he's been trying to escape.

Quote #8

When the right moment came, he jumped. As he fell, the folly of his haste occurred to him with merciless clearness, the vastness of what he had left undone. (2.65)

At the last minute, Paul realizes that there just might be other ways to take control of his life than throwing himself in front of a train. Oops. Felt powerless before? Well, how do you feel now that there's a giant train rushing at you?