A Perfect Day for Bananafish Innocence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Section.Paragraph). Though the story has no explicit divisions, we created "sections" to make the paragraph numbers more manageable. Section one is the scene in the hotel room. Section two is the scene on the beach to the end of the story.

Quote #10

"It was really just an ordinary silk handkerchief – you could see when you got up close," said the woman in the beach chair beside Mrs. Carpenter's. "I wish I knew how she tied it. It was really darling." (2.4)

Just like Muriel and her mother, these women appear shallow and materialistic in contrast to Seymour and Sybil.

Quote #11

Sybil stopped walking and yanked her hand away from him. She picked up an ordinary beach shell and looked at it with elaborate interest. She threw it down. (2.48)

Sybil is characterized by the curiosity and interest typical of young children.

Quote #12

The young man suddenly picked up one of Sybil's wet feet, which were drooping over the end of the float, and kissed the arch. (2.91)

This small movement demonstrates such reverence and love for youth and innocence on Seymour's part.