A Perfect Day for Bananafish Muriel Glass Quotes

Muriel Glass

Quote 4

"Well. How's your blue coat?"

"All right. I had some of the padding taken out." (1.83-4)

Many have pointed out the color imagery in "Perfect Day for Bananafish" and suggested that blue represents innocence; check out "Symbols, Imagery, Allegory" for the scoop.

Muriel Glass

Quote 5

"All right. Just all right, though. We couldn't get the room we had before the war," said the girl. (1.87)

In other words, things are fundamentally different after the war than they were before.

Muriel Glass

Quote 6

"He won't take his bathrobe off? Why not?"

"I don't know. I guess because he's so pale." (1.104-5)

There's that sun imagery again. If getting sun represents being jaded by wordly experiences, then Seymour has taken steps to preserve his innocence.