A Perfect Day for Bananafish Spirituality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Section.Paragraph). Though the story has no explicit divisions, we created "sections" to make the paragraph numbers more manageable. Section one is the scene in the hotel room. Section two is the scene on the beach to the end of the story.

Quote #4

"You know Seymour," said the girl, and crossed her legs again. "He says he doesn't want a lot of fools looking at his tattoo."

"He doesn't have any tattoo! Did he get one in the Army?"

"No, Mother. No, dear," said the girl, and stood up. (1.107-9)

Much of what Seymour says implies a hidden – and often spiritual – meaning.

Quote #5

"See more glass," said Sybil Carpenter, who was staying at the hotel with her mother. "Did you see more glass?" (2.1)

Sybil reveals a key insight here: Seymour can see more than others.

Quote #6

Mrs. Carpenter was putting sun-tan oil on Sybil's shoulders, spreading it down over the delicate, winglike blades of her back. (2.3)

Notice that Sybil's shoulder-blades are described as "wing-like." Salinger implies that there is something angelic about her childlike innocence.