Sex Quotes in The Perks of Being a Wallflower

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Each [cover] had a smiling face, and every time it was a woman on the cover, she was showing her cleavage. (3.8.3)

Even in the '90s, sex was everywhere. It's not just Charlie's family and friends who expose him to sexuality—just walking past a newsstand can do it, too.

Quote #8

After a while, the whole [hooking-up] thing just wasn't interesting to [Patrick] anymore, and he ran out of things to keep himself numb. (4.5.24)

Patrick uses sex with strangers as an escape in the same way that he uses drugs and alcohol. This kid never heard the phrase "safety first."

Quote #9

It was like everything made sense. Until she moved her hand under my pants, and she touched me. [...] It felt good actually. [But] I didn't know what was wrong. (4.14.51-54)

This should be a wonderful, pleasurable moment for Charlie, something that he's been secretly wanting since the moment he met Sam. But because of his history, it causes a lot of repressed memories to come gushing to the surface.