Pilgrim at Tinker Creek Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Quickly I looked around to see if I could find anyone—any hunter going to practice shooting beer cans, any boy on a motorbike—to whom I could show this remarkable sight while it lasted. (13.14)

When Dillard sees a mosquito land on a snake's head and start sucking its blood, she finally reaches a point where she wants to share the seeing. What is it about this moment, among all the other things she's witnessed, that makes her want to show someone else?

Quote #8

I wonder how many bites I have taken, parasite and predator, from family and friends; I wonder how long I will be permitted the luxury of this relative solitude. (13.50)

Solitude, the time to observe, is indeed a luxury. It requires one of two things (that we can think of, anyway): money, or jail time.

Quote #9

Abba Moses said to a disciple, "Go and sit in your cell, and your cell will teach you everything." (14.47)

Dillard strips away everything, pretty much, except herself and her natural surroundings. And from this limited space, she's able to see how vast it all truly is. Cool trick, right?