Pippi Longstocking Education Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

All children must have someone to advise them, and all children must go to school to learn the multiplication tables. (3.1)

The fact that Lindgren cites multiplication tables as the big reason kids need to attend school seems to indicate that she's poking a bit of fun at the idea of mandatory education. 'Cause… multiplication tables? Sure it's nice to know off the top of your head that 9 x 12 = 108, but that doesn't seem to single-handedly justify twelve years of public school.

Quote #5

"But don't you understand that you must go to school?"


"To learn things, of course."

"What sort of things?" asked Pippi.

"All sorts," said the policeman. "Lots of useful things—the multiplication tables, for instance." (4.18-22)

Again with the multiplication tables. And this time it's a couple of policeman who can't come up with a better reason to go to school than this. It's worth noting that by all accounts Astrid Lindgren quite enjoyed school, so she probably wasn't trying to suggest that it's completely worthless. On the other hand, she was also a staunch advocate for children's rights. So… what could she be saying with all of this business about multiplication tables?

Quote #6

"[…] think how embarrassing it will be for you to be so ignorant. Imagine when you grow up and somebody asks you what the capital of Portugal is and you can't answer!"

"Oh, I can answer all right," said Pippi. "I'll answer like this: 'If you are so bound and determined to find out what the capital of Portugal is, then, for goodness' sakes, write directly to Portugal and ask.' […] For that matter, I've been in Lisbon with my papa," she added, still standing upside down, for she could talk that way too. (4.23-26)

Two questions: First, if Pippi knows all along that the capital of Portugal is Lisbon, why doesn't she just say so? And second, if these policemen had calculators and smart phones that could answer questions about Portugal and multiplication on the spot, what reasons would they give to convince Pippi she should attend school? What reasons would you give?