Pippi Longstocking Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

Just then there was a knock at the door. It was Tommy's and Annika's father who had come to take them home. It was long past their bedtime, he said. […]

Pippi followed her guests out to the porch and watched them disappear through the garden. They turned around to wave. The light from inside shone on her. There she stood with her stiff red braids, dressed in her father's nightshirt which billowed around her feet. (11.77-78)

Okay, so Tommy and Annika have a dad who comes to take them home and make sure they get their beauty rest, and Pippi has… a nightshirt. Then again, Tommy and Annika have to go home and go to bed, while Pippi can do, well, whatever she wants. So you tell us: who has the better deal here?