How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #10
"Three cheers for Pippi Longstocking! Long may she live!" cried the fire chief.
"Hip, hip, hurray! Hip, hip, hurray! Hip, hip, hurray!" cried all the people—three times. But there was one person there who cheered four times.
It was Pippi Longstocking. (10.40-42)
Amazingly, it is Pippi's individualism that finally secures her a place in the society of this little village. For most of the book, her… ahem… unique perspective makes her stand out like a broken nose. But in the end, when her individual abilities and rare outlook save the day, the people of the town finally seem ready to accept her as one of their own. Though they still may not be ready to invite her to their coffee parties.