Pippi Longstocking Youth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

At three in the morning Pippi said, "I could keep on dancing until Thursday, but maybe you're tired and hungry."

That was exactly what they were, though they hardly dared say so. Pippi went to the pantry and took out bread and cheese and butter, ham and cold roast and milk; and they sat around the kitchen table—Bloom and Thunder-Karlsson, and Pippi—and ate until they were almost four-cornered. (8.57-58)

This is one of many moments in which Pippi takes on a role we would normally associate with an adult. Of course, we already knew she could make pancakes and cookies, but man—she's got more (and better) food in her refrigerator than most single adults. This girl knows how to cook and she knows how to caretake. She takes better care of these guys than they can take of themselves, and she teaches them a lesson or two in the process, which just goes to show sometimes age can learn from youth.

Quote #8

Tommy's and Annika's mother had invited a few ladies to a coffee party, and as she had done plenty of baking, she thought Tommy and Annika might invite Pippi over at the same time. The children would entertain each other and give no trouble to anyone. (9.1)

Mrs. Settergren is one of those adults who seems to prefer children when they are being quiet, polite, and virtually invisible—i.e., not children. She believes children have their place and she wants them to stay in it. Of course, we know that doesn't work out so well for her—or for anyone else—in this scene.

Quote #9

Pippi thought for a while. Then she asked, "Can anybody bring me a long rope?"

"What good would that do?" asked the stout gentleman. "The children are too small to get down the rope, and, for that matter, how would you ever get the rope up to them?"

"Oh, I've been around a bit," said Pippi calmly. (10.17-19)

Yep—life experience comes in all sizes and all time spans. She may only be nine, but Pippi has accumulated plenty of special knowledge and skills. She also has a monkey and super-strength, but it's really her youthful perspective and her willingness to think outside the box that get the ball rolling here.