The Plague Mortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph). We used Stuart Gilbert's translation.

Quote #40

"From that day on […] I took a horrified interest in legal proceedings, death sentences, executions, and I realized with dismay that my father must have often witnessed those brutal murders." (4.6.23)

Death in any form horrifies Tarrou; he sees no nuanced shades of grey, but rather views the world in this stark picture of black-and-white, victims and pestilence.

Quote #41

All night Rieux was haunted by the idea of Grand’s death. But next morning he found his patient sitting up in bed, talking to Tarrou. His temperature was down to normal and there were no symptoms other than a generalized prostration.


By nightfall Grand could be considered out of danger. Rieux was completely baffled by this "resurrection." (4.7.32-35)

Grand’s recovery is as irrational as the death of everyone else.