Find quotes from this novel, with commentary from Shmoop. Pick a theme below to begin.
Contrasting Regions: Congo and United States Quotes
Rex Minton said we better not go to the Congo on account of the cannibal natives would boil us in a pot and eat us up. (1.2.6)
Injustice Quotes
I was glad nobody wanted to cut off my hands. Because Jesus made me white, I reckon they wouldn't. (2.2.29)
Women and Femininity Quotes
I detest the part [of the Bible] where Lot offered his own virgin daughters to the rabble of sinners. [...] What kind of a trade is that? And his poor wife, of course, got turned to a pillar of sal...
Religion Quotes
We aimed for no more than to have dominion over every creature that moved upon the earth. (1.Prologue.16)
Guilt and Blame Quotes
She grew strong as I grew weak. (Yes! Jesus loves me!) And so it came to pass, in the Eden of our mother's womb, I was cannibalized by my sister. (1.4.14)
Mortality Quotes
I used to threaten Ruth May's life so carelessly just to make her behave. Now I had to face the possibility that we really could lose her. (3.5.130)
Politics Quotes
For a long time I thought Mama was saying [the Jeune Mou-Pro] were the Jimmy Crow, a name I knew from home. (2.2.3)
Language and Communication Quotes
Fufu nsala, Mama Tatabla called us. [...] A forest-dwelling, red-headed rat that runs from sunlight. (2.Prologue.21)
Marriage Quotes
What is the conqueror's wife, if not a conquest herself? (1.Prologue.13)
Man and the Natural World Quotes
This forest eats itself and lives forever. (1.Prologue.2)