Possession Chapter 22 Summary

  • Chapter 22 gets underway with a character we haven't seen for a while—Roland Mitchell's girlfriend, Val.
  • Oh, wait—we meant ex-girlfriend Val.
  • Val is watching a horse race with Euan MacIntyre, the handsome yuppie lawyer who's been crushing on her for months. Euan co-owns the horse that's just won the race, and he and Val are feeling pretty great about things.
  • After the race, Euan introduces Val to Toby Byng, who just so happens to be one of the other young men who co-own the horse.
  • As we readers know, Toby is also Sir George and Lady Joan Bailey's lawyer. Coincidence?
  • As Val, Euan, and Toby go out to celebrate their victory, Toby tells the others about the big kerfuffle surrounding the Ash-LaMotte correspondence case.
  • Afterward, we readers learn that Val and Euan are now living together. The two of them are most definitely an item, and, for once, Val seems to be genuinely happy.