How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #10
I have seen them both. They are not married, nor can I find there was any intention of being so; but I can happily report that Mr. Wickham has lately undergone a most remarkable change of heart on the subject, and wishes they be wed with the utmost expediency. He is in a most dreadful state, however, for a carriage accident has left him bedridden and unable to move his limbs, or control his personal business. I am afraid his doctors are of the opinion that he shall remain thus for the whole course of his life; but imagine their relief to know that he shall have a devoted wife to attend to his every need till death do they part. (49.16)
Weird. Mr. Wickham's view on marrying Lydia changed pretty quickly once he was in that "carriage accident" and could never walk again. Looks like he'll need a doting—if slightly annoying—wife, after all. Sign him up for a lifetime of marital bliss…