Marsellus Wallace (Ving Rhames)’s Timeline and Summary

Marsellus Wallace (Ving Rhames)’s Timeline and Summary

  • Someone has Marsellus' briefcase. We don't know what's in it, but Marsellus sends hitmen Jules and Vincent to retrieve it for him and punish the wrongdoers.
  • When he gets a worried call from Jules, he gives his fixer Winston Wolfe a ring so he can clean up the Marvin situation.
  • Then he meets up with his boxer buddy Butch to discuss the details of Butch throwing his next match.
  • He meets up with Jules and Vincent and gets his briefcase back, then he heads out of town to who knows where, leaving Vincent to keep an eye on his wife Mia.
  • The following day Marsellus is at Butch's match when Butch double crosses him and makes a quick getaway after knocking out his opponent in Round 1. Marsellus is with the dead boxer's body and demands that Butch's trainer be questioned.
  • He and Vincent go after Butch, staking out his apartment, and while he's out to get some breakfast he walks right in front of Butch's car.
  • After almost getting run over by Butch he staggers to his feet, whips out his pistol, and starts firing at him.
  • He follows Butch into a pawn shop where he's beaten up by Butch and then bound and gagged by the owner, Maynard.
  • Maynard and his friend Zed rape Marsellus but Butch comes to his rescue.
  • Marsellus recovers in time to shoot Zed in the groin and tell him what's good.
  • He squares his squabble with Butch, calls The Wolf to finish off Zed, and that's that.