Punkzilla Contrasting Regions Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Anyway as I was telling you just before I slapped and cut myself that that kid's mom picked us up at the Greyhound station in Caldwell Idaho. (8.43)

Having been beaten in the station bathroom, Jamie inflicts punishment on himself. Shades of his mom's reaction to the Major, huh?

Quote #5

The cornstalks weren't even a foot tall but there was like this SEA of the stuff P…there was something ominous about it like the corn itself would start humming in some low warlock voice and swallow you up if you walked too far into it. (8.60)

This is a perfect place to take a Children of the Corn break. If you're studying in the middle of the night, though, you might want to wait until morning.

Quote #6

I'm not exactly sure what town I'm in but I'm somewhere near Buffalo Wyoming. There's no lake near the Lakeside Motel. At least not one that I can see so I think the motel must be built on a foundation of bulls***. (12.6)

There are actually some really gorgeous lakes in the Bighorn Mountains near Buffalo, Wyoming, but Jamie's the type who needs his lakes right then, right there.