Punkzilla Gender Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I mean I LIKE girls like in a SEXUAL way but I don't want to BE one! Does that make me like PART LESBIAN or something? Because I LIKE girls AND I LOOK LIKE ONE? (8.37)

Figuring out your sexuality is difficult enough without having it complicated by your gender presentation.

Quote #5

I asked her if she really was confused about my gender and she said she thought I might be "some little dyke-job from Gillette looking to hook up." (12.22)

Erin, the girl working behind the desk at the Lakeside Motel in Buffalo, Wyoming, is under the mistaken assumption that small-town gay people go to even smaller towns when they want to get some action.

Quote #6

He said a drag queen is a man who likes to dress up in women's clothes and a drag KING is a woman who likes to dress up in MEN'S clothes and wear fake mustaches and put cowboy boots on and perform a lot of karaoke. (12.45)

Drag kings doing karaoke could be seen as a step up or a step down from drag queens doing lip sync, depending on your perspective (and the singing skills of the drag king in question).