Punkzilla Mortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

After I find you in Memphis and everything works out and you don't die I'm going to call a cab and have it drive me straight to the first mental hospital I can find. (8.78)

One of the unfortunate casualties of homelessness is proper mental health care. Jamie stops taking his ADD meds in Portland, and the horror of his bus trip is exacerbated by the return of his symptoms.

Quote #5

I remember seeing this movie where a guy gets AIDS and dies. He gets all these brown spots on his face […] and then he goes blind and collapses […] Is anything like that happening to you yet? I figure AIDS and cancer have at least a few things in common but maybe I'm totally wrong. (8.86-87)

The spots Jamie's talking about are Kaposi sarcoma, a kind of cancer caused by AIDS. So while Jamie doesn't know it, in this regard, there is some shared terrain between AIDS and cancer.

Quote #6

[…] I have to admit that I'm sort of getting off on it like I can't wait for the spider to come and eat all the flies and maybe torture one just for pleasure. (12.4)

Looking at a spider web outside the Lakeside Motel, Jamie hopes to see the spider express the aggression he feels. It's twisted, but hey, whatever keeps you from being a serial killer.