Spirituality Quotes in Pure

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Saint Wi," she whispers, as if it's the beginning of a prayer. And what does she want to pray for? (36.7)

You don't need to be religious to pray to God or a Saint. Sometimes you just need to put faith into something.

Quote #8

"Is she still a saint? She cheated on your father," Pressia says. "She had a child out of wedlock, a bastard." (40.13)

So what's the real difference between Saint in the religious context, and Saint in a non-religious context? And does it even matter?

Quote #9

Always walk in the light. Follow your soul. May it have wings. You are my guiding star, like the one that rose in the east and guided the Wise Men. (40.26)

Spiritual guidance can sometimes invoke a greater hope than other inspirations. "Follow your soul" is not only motivational, but can instill confidence. If only Aribelle had just spelled out the riddle to Partridge a little more.