Spirituality Quotes in Pure

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

She pulls her inner-layer sweater up to cover her neck, then her stretched-out sweater sleeve down over her doll-head fist, still covered by the sock, tucks it under her other arm, and then crosses both arms on her chest. (3.50)

It's like a baseball player spitting in his batting gloves in between pitches, or like a student using the same #2 pencil for every test. Pressia is performing a ritual here.

Quote #2

"Because what I said was the truth. Shadow History. This isn't." (5.65)

For Bradwell, Shadow History is what he believes in. That's right, you can put faith into history too.

Quote #3

"Thats probably what they pray for. Hope." (17.244)

Again, you don't need to be religious to pray. The simple act of praying for hope is how many of the wretches are able to survive; without hope, their spirits could be crushed.