Ragtime Chapter 37 Summary

  • We learn about Booker T. Washington. He's the most famous black man in the country, and the founder of the Tuskegee Institute in Alabama. He believes in peaceful progress for African-Americans. He has been endorsed by four Presidents and has an honorary degree from Harvard.
  • Washington arrives and enters the library. He sees everything is wired for demolition. He sees Younger Brother and realizes he is a white man in black face. He meets Coalhouse and tells him how far he has set back progress for African-Americans.
  • Coalhouse tells Washington that they can serve their race and get respect, which upsets Washington so much he nearly faints. Washington again tells him to come out with him. Coalhouse says he will… if Chief Conklin brings a restored automobile.
  • Coalhouse has modified his demands, no longer asking for Conklin's life, but Washington doesn't understand. He gets up and leaves.