Religion Quotes

How we cite our quotes:

Quote #7

"This is a warning not to disturb the Ark of the Covenant."

Each step, each stage along the journey that Indy takes, comes with a fresh warning. At this stage, Indy's still pretty blasé about it: He brushes past the warning and asks about the height of the staff. He's looking at it in mechanical terms, just like Belloq.

Quote #8

"Indiana, we are simply passing through history. This… this is history."

Note the messianic tone in Belloq's voice here. He's drunk the Kool-Aid, he buys the Ark's power, but he still only thinks in terms of the prize. To paraphrase another Indiana Jones movie, he's after the fortune and glory, not to bring himself closer to God's grace.

Quote #9

"Marion… don't look at it! Shut your eyes Marion; don't look at it no matter what happens!"

At long last, Indy embraces the notion that the Ark may be beyond human understanding, and his quick thinking keeps them from having their faces melted off. It's more than just the screenwriter writing his way out of trouble. The Bible has some pretty clear No Look/No Touch rules about the Ark. In order to view it, you had to be a priest and undergo a lot of very thorough cleansing rituals even to be allowed into the same room as the Ark. If you were naughty or didn't have permission, it was gonna get ugly. Lucky for Indy (and Marion), he paid attention during all those Sunday school lessons.