How we cite our quotes:
Quote #4
"Jones, do you realize what the Ark is? It's a transmitter! It's a radio for speaking to God! And it's within my reach!"
Belloq doesn't reveal his hand very often, but when he does, it speaks volumes about who he is. He doesn't see the Ark as a paycheck, but as a way of increasing his knowledge. They don't get much smarter than God, after all, and Belloq is clearly very interested in hearing what The Almighty has to say. (That will change.) Contrast that with Indy, who seems less interested in the Ark's abilities and more on getting it back to collect dust in a museum.
Quote #5
"This for the old way, this mean six kadam high! Wait… and take back one kadam to honor the Hebrew God whose Ark this is."
A little lesson for the ADD among us: always read to the end of the sentence. It may hold something important.
Quote #6
"Besides, with the information in our possession, my estimations were correct!"
Contrast this with Quote #7. Belloq is frustrated because he can't find the Ark, but rather than admitting that he doesn't know what he needs to, he complains about how it "should have been" correct. Intellectual arrogance is thoroughly unbecoming, even in a fiendish villain.