Rainbows End Art and Culture Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

The bidding on physical tour slots to the Sagrada Familia was closed for the day, but there was still a queue of people near the cathedral entrance, people hoping for no-shows. It proved once again that the most important things were those you could touch. (1.22)

Vaz is visiting Barcelona in person (as he will later visit San Diego in person). So when Vaz, here notes that "the most important things were those you could touch," we could just take that as the old-fashioned rantings of an older man. After all, while it's true that there are tourists waiting for physical tours, let's think about what's implied: that there are virtual tours also. If you can't make it all the way to Barcelona, you still have a chance of seeing the cultural landmarks there.

Quote #2

Among other things, Pyramid Hill claimed to have the longest freefall ride in California.

The twins were grinning at him. Jerry waved at the hill. "How would you like to play Cretaceous Returns, but with real feeling?" (4.11-2)

Vernor Vinge loves him some contrast. Like here at the Pyramid Hill Amusement Park, we get a reminder that amusement parks often involve some physical aspect—like that "longest freefall" ride. Then we get the contrast with the virtual game, Cretaceous Returns—and then, for a final contrast, we get the reminder that the best virtual game experience mimics… actual physical experience.

Quote #3

It was as impressive as any advertising video that Robert had seen in the twentieth century. At the same time it was essentially incoherent, a garbage dump of special effects. So much technology, so little talent. (6.11)

New tech makes certain forms of culture possible, but sometimes it's hard to adjust. So when Robert sees Juan's crazy virtual composition, he compares it to… advertising. (Which for him is probably the lowest form of culture—it might not even qualify as culture.) Of course, the joke is on Robert when Juan praises Robert's poetry as "as good as any of the top game advertisers" (6.54).