Rainbows End Chapter 22 Summary

The Bicycle Attack

  • After the Elder Cabal enters the tunnels, Alfred and Rabbit come into the building. Because Alfred is supposed to be observing to make sure nothing goes wrong.
  • He hacks into Tommie Parker's computer here so he can watch what's going on down in the tunnels and biotech labs. The Elder Cabal is about to drop off some stuff in the lab that will do what Alfred wants them to do.
  • But when things look like they're going really smoothly for Alfred, the Miri Gang shows up. Juan and Miri find Alfred, but don't know who he is. And this whole area doesn't have regular computer connection.
  • Alfred isn't thrilled to have to deal with these kids. Even Rabbit thinks Miri is a pain in the neck.
  • Alfred first tries to get rid of the kids, but realizes they know something. So while Miri escapes (thanks to Juan), Alfred gets Juan. But since we see this section from Miri's POV, we don't know what happened to Juan. That's how you build suspense, we guess. But if Juan dies we will be really upset.
  • Who does Vernor Vinge think he is, threatening to kill one of our favorite characters—George R.R. Martin?