Rear Window Dissatisfaction Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Rear Window.

Quote #4

STELLA: I can smell trouble right here in this apartment.

Stella has got the right mixture of insight and audacity to make a smart observation here. She hasn't known Jeff very long, so she hasn't gotten accustomed to his quirks like his friends have. But, at the same time, she's listened to him complain about his boredom for long enough to know a few things about him. Like where his restlessness will lead: nowhere good.

Quote #5

STELLA: I can hear you now: "Get out of my life, you wonderful woman. You're too good for me."

Stella has got Jeff pegged. He's dissatisfied with a smart and gorgeous woman who would climb into a suspected killer's apartment for his sake. That unhappiness drives the romantic plot throughout the film; they're bickering when they should be falling into each other's arms.

Quote #6

JEFF: She belongs to that rarefied atmosphere of Park Avenue, you know. Expensive restaurants, literary cocktail parties. Can you imagine her tramping around the world with a camera bum who never has more than a week's salary in the bank? If she was only ordinary.

Here's a guy that can be unhappy about anything—even a smart, successful, gorgeous girlfriend who can't keep her hands off of him and wants to marry him. He assumes they're not compatible because of her glamorous lifestyle and hasn't given her a chance. She has to take matters into her own hands and prove him wrong.