Rear Window Morality and Ethics Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Rear Window.

Quote #7

LISA: Jeff, you know if someone came in here, they wouldn't believe what they'd see. You and me with long faces plunged into despair because we find out a man didn't kill his wife. We're two of the most frightening ghouls I've ever known.

At least Lisa and Jeff are aware of the moral implications of what they're doing. Of course, that reflection only lasts until new suspicions arise; then they're both back at their voyeurism with even more enthusiasm.

Quote #8

STELLA: Give her another minute. She's doing this for you!

This is a key reminder that, even though Lisa is engaged in technically illegal activity with Jeff—as well as putting herself in great danger—she's doing it for another person. Jeff seems to be doing it solely to fulfill his own curiosity.

Quote #9

JEFF: Lisa … I … I can't tell you how scared I was that you … you might …

LISA: Shut up. I'm all right.

Jeff realizes here how reckless he's been with this investigation and that his actions might have hurt someone he cared about. Not only was he invading his neighbors' privacy, but he was also endangering Lisa. We know from his racetrack accident that he's not a genius at considering the consequences of his actions. Isn't that the basis of morality?