Rear Window Perseverance Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Rear Window.

Quote #7

LISA: We think Thorwald's guilty.

This is the first thing Lisa says to Doyle, stating emphatically that she's on Jeff's side and she'll see it through as far as Jeff wants to take it.

Quote #8

JEFF: For a minute, Doyle almost had me convinced I was wrong.

LISA: But you're not?

JEFF: In the whole courtyard, only one person didn't come to the window.

Here's what helps keep Jeff going: he's stuck in his chair, so he can't help but notice these little details building up. Plus, he's a photographer—just like in his professional life, he'll do anything to get the shot. Doyle, OTOH, has other things to do than pay attention to an open window across the courtyard.

Quote #9

JEFF: Go ahead, Thorwald—pick it up. You're curious. You wonder if it's your girlfriend calling. The one you killed for. Pick it up, Thorwald!

Persistence is the chief quality in a good detective—and let's face it, that's what Jeff is here. Now, he's finally about to get some confirmation of his suspicions, and he can't wait a moment longer.