Rear Window Quiz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Rear Window? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Who is Hitchcock playing in his cameo?

One of the movers who takes the trunk out of Thorwald's apartment
One of Miss Torso's admirers
The man winding the clock in the musician's apartment
A passerby on the sidewalk beyond the courtyard
Q. Where did Hitchcock shoot the entire production?

On location in New York
On a single huge soundstage in Hollywood
In his private studios in England
In a modified apartment building in Los Angeles
Q. What is notable about the musical score?

It responds directly to the action
It comes from a composer Hitchcock never used again
It contains popular hits of the era
We only hear it during the opening and closing credits.
Q. What's so interesting about the camera placement in the film?

It swings smoothly between the apartments
It almost never leaves Jeff's apartment
It captures the characters from low angles
It's hand-held at all times
Q. What happens behind the "The End" title card at the end?

The shades in Jeff's window are lowered
Thorwald is led off by the police
Lisa leaves the apartment
Jeff settles back into his wheelchair