Rear Window Quiz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Rear Window? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Jeff's being stuck in his chair makes him a stand-in for what?

The audience
The authorities
His neighbors
Q. Why doesn't Jeff want Lisa to come with him on his adventures?

He thinks she's not tough enough
He doesn't like her
He doesn't think she'll look good in combat boots
He's having an affair with a colleague
Q. Why does Thorwald kill the dog?

His wife hates it
He wants the neighborhood to pay attention to something else
He wants to warn Jeff that he'll be next
It might dig up evidence he's buried in the flower bed
Q. Stella chides Jeff about being…

A peeping Tom
A layabout
An amateur detective
A Mets fan
Q. Why does Lisa go into Thorwald's apartment?

To find the dog
To find evidence
To get a wedding ring, even if it's not hers
To return Mrs. Thorwald's jewelry to her