The Red Room Good vs. Evil Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Paragraph)

Quote #7

[…] but for all that the steady process of extinction went on, and the shadows I feared and fought against returned, and crept in upon me, first a step gained on this side of me and then on that. I was now almost frantic with the horror of the coming darkness, and my self-possession deserted me. (43)

This time the image of a "battle" between the narrator with his light and the advancing shadows is made explicit with the word "fought." The shadows are the narrator’s enemy. He fears them, and they are gaining on him. The image of a storm cloud sweeping out the stars is particularly powerful.

Quote #8

I leaped panting from candle to candle, in a vain struggle against that remorseless advance. (43)

Here again we see language suggestive of a battle, a "remorseless advance" of the enemy. Now it definitely looks as if the narrator is losing.

Quote #9

I flung out my arms in a vain effort to thrust that ponderous blackness away from me, and, lifting up my voice, screamed with all my might – once, twice, thrice. (45)

The narrator has lost. The darkness has eliminated all light, overwhelmed him, and now surrounds him completely. His wits are gone. The image of the screaming narrator flinging his arms around conveys complete helplessness.