Red Scarf Girl Themes
A wise little green man once said, "Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering." We tend to agree with Yoda, and it sure seems true of Ji-l...
When an entire country decides to revolt against the ruling class, a couple of conversations about politics are certainly going to happen along the way. This is definitely the case in Red Scarf Gir...
When it comes to family, you love them, you hate them, you get annoyed with them… you get what we mean. But when push comes to shove, you know your family will be there for you, right? (We hope s...
Society and Class
What's your class status? Are you from a swanky high-class family with money and servants for days? Whether you are or not, you'd probably like to say yes to that question. Not in China during the...
Dreams, Hopes, and Plans
Do you dream of a world where you can lie around eating Cheetos and watching movies all day? We do, too. Ji-li has dreams of her own, and they're a bit nobler than quality time with the couch. She...
For such a little word, duty is a big concept. It's the opposite of fun and games in Red Scarf Girl because it's all about what is owed to other people. Ji-li feels a sense of duty to her family, h...
Who are you? Who's that guy over there? Who are we all? These are some of the big questions in life and they leave Ji-li scratching her head in Red Scarf Girl. Deep down, she thinks she knows who s...
What is the truth? Is there even any such thing? The more we think about it, the trickier the truth is to pin down. Maybe that's the truth about truth: It's tricky. Ji-li definitely faces this in R...