The Return of the Native Language and Communication Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Dreams, dreams! If there had been any system left to be invented they would have found it out at the universities long before this time."

"Never, mother. They cannot find it out, because their teachers don't come in contact with the class which demands such a system." (5.3.10-11)

Society and language themes come into contact here, as Clym suggests that the people in the universities don't talk to the working class. What's ironic is that Clym himself doesn't really speak very well to those people either.

Quote #8

Eustacia fired up all too quickly, for her own consciousness of the old attachment between herself and Wildeve led her to jump to the conclusion that Mrs. Yeobright also knew of it [...] (4.1.22)

Hardy doesn't just give us the dialogue but instead provides us with a brief psych profile before moving on to Eustacia's speech. The structure of this passage shows us how a lot of things go on internally before words are spoken.

Quote #9

"Why do you speak in such a strange way? [...] Has your love for me all died, then, because my appearance is no longer that of a fine gentleman?"

"Dearest, you must not question me unpleasantly, or it may make me not love you." (4.2.65-6)

The book's often warped sense of humor crops up again here as both Clym and Eustacia refer to how potentially superficial their love is. Clym wonders if his looks determine Eustacia's feelings, and Eustacia alludes to how Clym's words may kill her feelings.