Rhinoceros Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Rhinoceros? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Whom does Berenger blame for Jean’s transformation?

Jean—he’s the one who turned rhino.
Himself—the guilt!
Dudard—no one likes that dude.
a Wizard—how else would a human turn into a beast?
Q. Whom does Berenger blame for Dudard’s transformation?

Daisy—it’s a love thang.
Jean—he’s just such a sexy rhino.
Papillon—she’d do anything to get away.
Logician—isn’t turning rhino logical?
Q. What does Daisy give Berenger as a reward for “being good”?

a soda
a kiss
a glass of brandy
a rhinoceros
Q. Which one of Berenger’s co-workers does not believe there are rhinoceroses until he sees one for himself?

Q. Which character keeps wearing his boater hat even after he turns into a rhinoceros?

Old Man